Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Mastery Is Finally Under Way

Months after Adobe’s CS5 shipped, I am working on the third course in my overarching, comprehensive, all-new Illustrator CS5 One-on-One video series for I call it Mastery because this is where you get to master stuff. Here’s the net result of Chapter 24: “Gradient Mesh,” which features a pair of happy red peppers so exceptionally rendered that they must have been grown using the most advanced chemicals modern science has to offer. And they say biotech might be harmful—perish the thought!

Illustrator CS5 gradient mesh

If that’s not enough, here’s an image from Chapter 23: “Dynamic Effects,” in which I show you how to create a proper 6-pointed snowflake, complete with tiny embedded tribal faces. Here we have 14 polygons reflected and rotated to create a total of 11 real-time clones—or a total of 168 paths in all. Make the slightest change, and the 11 clones update on-the-fly. (I hasten to acknowledge, I stole this idea from Colleen, who came up with a similar idea using InDesign.)

Illustrator CS5 dynamic effects

I hope to see Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Advanced release in a few days. The series I’m working on? Sometimes in December.

And then I’m off to Photoshop CS5 Extended One-on-One: 3D, Photoshop CS5: Channels & Masks, many more Deke’s Techniques, and so on. Stay tuned.

Next entry:dekeSpeak November 23

Previous entry:Martini Hour 092, In Which We Refine the Edges from Last Week’s Show

  • So beautiful

    I love those peppers. And I’m honored you used my snowflake to make something awesome.

  • Mastery Is Finally

    Good article to read. Actually i am new at this page, but your article is impressive.


  • Advanced?

    Are you still going to do the Advanced version or just go straight to Mastery?

  • How to get great prints from Photoshop? - can’t access

    Tried the link in the email and from the site and my access is denied. Any secret?


  • How to get great prints from photoshop?

    Like Jim I’m also getting an access denied message from the link on the email.


  • I can’t access the article

    I can’t access the article either. Sure would like to know how to acces the article.

  • How to get gorgeous prints from Photoshop


    I am logged on yet still get an Access Denied to this web page from the link in the email too.

  • Access denied

    I am logged on yet still get an Access Denied to this web page from the link in the email too.

  • Access Denied

    So… what is the answer?

  • Out of memory error as well

    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 8650752) (tried to allocate 311296 bytes)


  • Access Denied

    Access Denied

  • access denied

    If you’re going to keep denying me access. please drop me from your mailing list. I have no time to waste on unfinished websites

  • prints from Photoshop


    I am also getting the access denied comment.

  • access denied

    What Up. I see several other people having the same problem. No responses from your sight.. any one home??

  • Access denied

    I am logged in but shut out.

    Deke, what have I done???

    Go Griz

  • Sorry, I was offline for a while

    And so, evidently, was an important ingredient to the newsletter.

    I picked today to fly off for my Thanksgiving break. And while nobody made even the slightest attempt to touch my junk (which, you know, hurt my feelings a little), I did have a flight canceled, miss a connection, and ultimately get trapped in the airport for several hours. In fact, I’m still in the damn airport.

    This newsletter was a big production for us, with lots of moving parts. I thought we had all the pieces in place, but I see now that I missed one: I neglected the tiny detail of publishing Lou’s “Get Gorgeous Prints From Photoshop” article.

    Anyway, it’s up now. Very sorry for the snafu.

  • Illustrator CS5 One-on-One Advanced

    Is already recorded, and should go live inside the Online Training Library shortly after Thanksgiving.

  • I saw that one flash by as well

    Looking into it. Thanks.

  • Thanks

    In Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Mastery, the 3rd and final area of the comprehensive Illustrator One-on-One series, author and industry expert Deke McClelland shows how to capitalize from the range of dynamic effects in Illustrator CS5. Deke explores Illustrator’s effective Gradient Mesh feature, ideal for creating photorealistic airbrushing effects. He also covers graphic styles, the liquify tools, envelope-style distortions, the brand new Bristle Brushes, three dimensional text, and perspective drawing. Exercise files accompany the course.

    LPN Program

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