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Photoshop Top 40, Feature #6: RGB, CMYK, and Lab

Photoshop more than supports many color spaces; it supports infinite variations on the device-dependent ones. You can open an RGB photo, process it in Lab, and output it to CMYK, with certainty that each conversion will work.


Faking an HDR Portrait

There's nothing scarier than an image that's so real you can reach out and touch it. Because if you can reach out and touch it, it can reach out and touch you. Learn how to create just such an image in this episode.


Don't Fear the Lab Mode

Digital cameras are wonderful, but they're ultimately machines. You, on the other hand, are a superior human being. Celebrate your humanity in the Lab mode, where you can take the work of machines and make it way better.


Stealth 'Shop, The Virgin Histogram

Have an image that needs an absolute color overhaul? This video shows you how to apply some shockingly massive edits, get great results, and clean up the histogram so it looks like you never set foot in Photoshop.

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