Deke's Techniques 314: Create a Riveting 3D Bump Map
Deke applies a 3D bump map to add texture to his Photoshop-created rocket ship.
Deke applies a 3D bump map to add texture to his Photoshop-created rocket ship.
Today I show you how to create punched-out 3D letters in Adobe Illustrator, turning the plain old word 'good' into something even better.
Today, I pay appropriate 3D homage to my alien overlords by building them a temple out of plain old earthly linear gradients and a little thing called a depth map.
This week, I show you how to take a stereoscopic photograph (fit for viewing with 3D glasses) and add text and shapes at different planes of depth.
Learn how to pull of one of the most arcane but ultimately practical techniques in Photoshop, the creation of a 3D stereoscopic photograph. (Glasses required.)
This week, I show you how to take a basic 3D pie chart, split its meshes, color its slices, and otherwise make it a tangible slice of business-graphics reality.