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Menu posts about masks


Photoshop Top 40, Feature #15: Alpha Channels

Much can be said of masking. Masking is the art of using the image to select itself. Masking lets you apply the entire weight of Photoshop to the task of editing a selection. And masking, thy name is alpha channel.


Photoshop Top 40, Feature #23: Color Range

If you use the magic wand tool, stop what you're doing and switch to Color Range. This outrageously useful command lets you select an image as easily as the wand. But with more flexibility and much better results.


The Masks Palette

Working in the quick mask mode? Photoshop CS4's Masks palette reads: "No mask selected." Working on an alpha channel? "No mask selected." Learn how to satisfy this wicked imp of a palette in this week's dekePod!


Photoshop CS4, Buy or Die

Adobe has announced Creative Suite 4 and its myriad applications. But for the moment, there's just one that matters, Photoshop CS4. Thumbs up, thumbs down, thumbs all over the place? Deke knows and will tell you.

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