Channels & Masks Video Lesson 9: “Five Ways to Gray”

I bet you thought I forgot about my promise to post all the videos from Deke’s Photoshop Channels and Masks One-on-One, but I was really just distracted by all the dekepods, martini hours, and contest fabulousness around here.

Anyhoo, returning today with an episode from Lesson 9 in which Deke explains how Photoshop gives you a total of five ways to mix a grayscale image from an RGB (or otherwise colored) photograph. Three are automated but limited. The other two take a little more work, but they’re customizable and nondestructive. The automated methods involve choosing the grayscale command when viewing one or more channels; the nondestructive, and thus preferable, methods involve Channel Mixer and Black & White adjustment layers. If this whets your appetite, be sure to check out the book for more Channel Mixing goodness.

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  • Great Stuff

    I really like how you bring out the eyes there.  That, for me, is what really grabs the viewer’s attention.  The last version really has the best skin tones too.

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