Martini Hour 069, In Which Deke Recognizes the iPhone 4 and Before (b4)

Call it the iMartini Hour. You know we like to sit around, shoes off, sipping cocktails with our our good friends Chris Breen and Ben Long, talking about things that start with with a lowercase i. In case you hadn’t heard, there’s this device called the iPhone. Some guy (Steve… something) unveiled something about a new one just this week. Well, turns out iChris and iBen specialize in the thing…Super-specialize, actually, in that they teach a super-session at Macworld Expo all about the iPhone. So we sync our brains to theirs this week, and learn a thing or two about how to enhance our iPhone experience.

Martini Hour 069: Apple's iPhone 4 and Before

From now until June 15, these are the hottest tips you need.

  • Text tips: Add those diacritical marks (like umlauts, which apparently our web interface doesn’t know how to do).
  • Typing tips: “Typing only counts when you let go.”
  • Swearing tips: Like if you want to swear, how to teach the iPhone to learn that you don’t really mean “duck” when you mean something else. (And that reminds me to re-apologize to my friend who I inadvertently cursed at during the taping of this show.)
  • Syncing tips: Did you know you can sync different types of content from different computers? 
  • Spam-Avoidance tips: Chris has a workaround.
  • Paper-Trail Preservation (or Eradication) tips: Save your text conversations and more, or not if you live a “Tiger” lifestyle. 
  • Get Outta Jail Free with a Pineapple tips: Jailbreaking vs unlocking with jailbreaking ninja Ben Long.
  • Connectivity tips: Because sometimes you want the thing to WORK AS A PHONE!

All this, and a toast to the poor schmo at Apple who lost his iPhone. Here’s the regular-quality (128kbps) audio file. You can stream, or for best results, right-click and choose Download or Save. For you audiophiles out there, the high-rez will be here shortly. Be sure to download, don’t stream. And don’t forget the usual suggestion to subscribe via iTunes.

And thanks, again, to our witty friends Chris and Ben, or if you speak Twitter @BodyOfBreen and @BenLong100. Cheers, iDudes!

Next entry:Martini Hour 070, In Which Colleen Gets Schooled in Illustrator CS5 by the Benevolent Masters

Previous entry:I’m Hard at Work on Photoshop CS5 One-on-One: Advanced

  • another winning MH… nicely done, C&D!

    or i guess for this webisode, “The iMartini Hour”

    a little umlaut love for colleen:

    ä  ï  ü  ö ë ¨ ÿ

    here’s a decent cheat sheet for inserting html special characters into your cms’s text input fields (including umlauts)  to have the actual characters render correctly:



  • Martini iHour

    They still need to incorporate a magnifying glass (or lighter), knife blade, edible shelter, and signal flair; just in case the phone does not get service while lost in the wild.

  • What’s next?...

    Which appliance will you talk about next week? The Slap Chop, perchance?
    Oh my!

  • Great post

    I read your post its really informative post thanks for it.

  • I Just Unlock iPhone 4

    I Just Unlock iPhone 4  today and i dont faced any kind of problems

  • You can look on to my

    You can look on to my sign

    Unlock iPhone 4

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