Masking Inline Text Strokes in Illustrator

In this week’s free Deke’s Techniques episode, Deke resumes last week’s project by making those inline strokes inside the letters stop before they hit the edge of the letters…like this:

Masked inline text strokes in Illustrator
For those of you with a subscription and a screw loose, there’s this alternative shown at the top of today’s post, covered in this exclusive movie.

Apologies for the brevity, but we’re currently at sea in the Maldives with only a tiny speck of one of the thousand islands in site. Photo of manta ray trying to kiss and/or run over Deke to come when we make landfal

Deke’s Techniques, still trying to inform and entertain from the other side of the (our) world.

Next entry:Creating Offset Path Inline Strokes in Illustrator Type

Previous entry:Center-Stroking Letters in Illustrator

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