This week, the third installment of Deke’s Photoshop One-on-One series, the Advanced course, has been updated for Photoshop CC. This phase of dekeTraining is particularly useful for optimizing your photographs and learning how to create impeccable selections and composites.
If you’re not a member of, you can get a free week’s trial at to check out the course. If you’re not a member of Creative Cloud, you can still catch the CS6 and CS5 versions of the course at
If you’re familiar with the One-on-One approach, you know Deke likes to use compelling real-world examples to teach Photoshop features, so that you learn in context and with relevance to your own projects. Here’s a look at the chapters covered in this installment, as well as a sneak peek at some of the hands-on projects you’ll encounter in this latest course:
Chapter 23. Shortcuts and Settings
This chapter includes the update to Deke’s custom shortcuts, dekeKeys, and advice for getting the color settings right in Photoshop.

Chapter 24. Smart Objects
Learn how to leverage this feature that allows you to put artwork inside a protective envelope of sorts, and then tweak (and update) with impunity, like in this watermark-creation project:

Chapter 25. Shadows/Highlights
Among other things, you’ll see how Photoshop features can help you turn a flat photo into a striking portrait.

Chapter 26. Using Curves
Learn how the sophisticated Curves command can help you out of the more complex contrast and tonal challenges.

27. Camera Raw
Camera Raw can now be applied as a smart filter, which just makes it’s convenient digital darkroom features even more useful. (And don’t I look happy in Amsterdam?)

28. Duotones and Colorization
Photoshop has great colorization features that let you turn the ordinary and commonplace into something that catches the eye and the imagination.

Chapter 29. Noise versus Detail
See how the careful application of noise reduction features in Photoshop still allow you to retain detail in your photos.

Chapter 30. The Blur Gallery
You don’t have to settle for the depth-of-field you start with. See how Photoshop’s Blur controls can help you focus your viewers’ eyes right where you want them.

Chapter 31. Blend Modes
The judicious and intelligent application of Photoshop Blend Modes can not only smooth out your compositions, but they can improve the contrast as well.

Chapter 32. Color Range and Quick Mask
What would a Deke course be without a look at how to make impeccable selections then put them together in totally absurd compositions. I swear this creature was winking at me.

Chapter 33. Refine Edge and Layer Masks
How do you select this hair and move it into this background? With Deke-supplied knowledge of the Refine Edge command.

Chapter 34. The Pen Tool
The Pen tool isn’t just for drawing; see how Deke uses it to make hard-to-otherwise-create selections, like capturing this single drop of water against its leafy background.

Remember, you can check out this course (or its brethren based on earlier versions of Photoshop) by going to and signing up for a free week’s trial. If you’re already a member, you can go straight to the course and start advancing.
Photoshop CC keyboard shortcuts and color settings
Where are the Photoshop CC keyboard shortcuts and color settings