Greetings my dekeOmpanions. At the end of this month, Deke will be appearing at two great conferences which happen to be separated by a few days and, oh, about 14 miles. Naturally, this led us to think a roadtrip from PePcon (in Austin) to AdobeMAX (in Los Angeles) was in order. We’re hoping to a) see some of you there—or there—and b) get your advice for where we should stop in between. Here’s a tentative plan that’s linked to a public google map, where you are free to enter points of interest and your reasons why.

You know what we like: interesting, beautiful, or cocktail-related. Bonus points for all three. And I’m digging through the prize closet right now for interesting rewards for those who suggest the best stops. Be sure to leave your user info in the comments if you add a point to the map.
Starting point: The Print + eProduction Conference (PePcon) in Austin, April 28 - May 1
I love PePcon. Our friends at InDesign Secrets not only always put together a program of top notch experts in the publishing production space, but somehow they always get the smartest collection of attendees as well. Deke will be presenting some live Deke’s Techniques and I’ll be studying up on how to convert my mad layout skills to electronic formats.
Ending point: Adobe MAX, the Creativity Conference, in Los Angeles, May 4 - 8
MAX used to be a fairly geek heavy developer-centered conference, but Adobe is really emphasizing creative (read: design) work this year. Like PePcon, many of our favorite people will be speaking and it’s almost the closest thing we have to a reunion.
Points currently unknown between, May 1 to May 6
We’ll be driving across West Texas, likely stoping in Carlsbad due to Deke’s love of caves and possibly heading to Albequerque for a trip to Gruet Winery, makers of my favorite “It’s Tuesday, let’s open a bottle of bubbly” sparkling wine. But it’s all up for grabs, so let us know your favorite spots.
And if you’re attending either of the conferences, please stop and say hello. At PePcon, we’ll be easy to find and at MAX we’ll be the crazy folk who just hauled ass across the Southwest.
What will your session at Pepcon be focused on?
I know you are a regular contributor on the InDesign Secrets website. Will you be presenting anything at PePcon?
Thanks, I enjoy the site!
Favorite Deke’s Techniques at PePcon
Deke will be regaling the InDesign-centric crowd at Pepcon with his favorite Deke’s Techniques, so that they can learn to appreciate Photoshop and Illustrator, too.
I’ll be lurking about, absorbing material about eProduction (about which I am a total novice).
City of Rocks state part in New Mexico
Just google images… city of rocks.. ‘nuf said ;O)
Looks cool, Bob.
Alas, I don’t think we’re going to make it to the SW corner of New Mexico. Deke’s appearing at the LA Web Professionals Group the night before his MAX appearance, so we’ve decided to explore the strange (to us) area between Austin and Albuquerque and then let Southwest Airlines make sure we get to LA in time for the user group meeting. Because, uh, airlines might be better at getting places on time than the two of us driving down the highway getting distracted!