Another Illustrator Sample: The "Painting" Chapter, aka "The Blob" (Brush)
Enjoy some free samples of Deke's latest Illustrator One-on-One: Fundamentals course, and learn about the Blob brush
Enjoy some free samples of Deke's latest Illustrator One-on-One: Fundamentals course, and learn about the Blob brush
Deke explores the scalable, editable, colorable power of vector brushes in Adobe Fresco.
Deke and his robot friend explore the magic of the new Adobe Fresco painting and drawing app.
Deke finishes up his 2019 hand turkey project.
Deke emulates the work of legendary artist Chuck Close in a Photoshop-enhanced portrait.
Deke continues his quest portrait drawing quest in Adobe Sketch, with a demonstration of the blend modes available.
Deke combines two very different brushes to create a custom dual brush in Photoshop.
In ringmaster tradition, I present to you the most ambitious innovation in Photoshop CS5, the new painting tools.
The modest brush tool is one of the deepest, most versatile tools in Photoshop. It's not only a terrific painting tool, but it is also invaluable for masking, as this video demonstrates.
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