One of the best things about Photoshop CS4 is the new features in the latest version of Adobe Camera Raw. And the latest latest version, ACR 5.2, has a few more tricks up its sleeve, as previewed by John Nack to the gang at ADIM@MAX and announced for all the world on John’s blog last week. In addition to the new output sharpening (ACR sends sharpening info along to Photoshop for printing) and adding support for a bunch of cravable cameras (including the Canon 5D Mark II), the ACR team has lifted a couple of other useful Lightroom-like features for this latest release: the ability to make snapshots and a targeted adjustment tool.

The Adobe Help for these features can apparently be a little hard to find, so Photoshop PM Shangara Singh has posted links here so that you don’t have to use the (apparently currently ineffective Adobe) search. You can also see how these nifty features work in this screencast from Friend of Deke and O’Reilly Evangelist Derrick Story. My exhaustive internet search (which consists of plugging ACR 5.2 into Google during my quick break from working on Channels and Masks), reveals Derrick is first on the scene with this tutorial. Click the image above with Derrick’s striking cactus flower to check it out. (Note: If you’re CS4-compliant, the ever-present Adobe Updater will hook you up with ACR 5.2 next time it wakes up.) Deke meanwhile has about a week to go before I can let him play with any new toys. (The fans need their Channels and Masks, Oh Wise and Wonderful One.)
Finally Here
Adobe finally makes this great integration CR. I was waiting for it. After having in LR and PSCS4. Good one. Get the update its worth it.
Free Webcast from Derrick on Upgrade to CS4 for Shooters
Derrick’s going to do a webcast tomorrow live at 10:30 Pacific Standard Time on “Five Things Photographers Need to Know about Photoshop CS4.” You can sign up here and if you do, you get free access to his great book for 45 days on Safari. Check it out.
I love photography - though I’m still not very good at it yet - so thanks for that Colleen.
Now I have to work out what ‘tomorrow 10.30 PST’ is in Kiwi time. :-)