Dear LPersonne (not to mention other persons),
I am so excited to have published a book like InDesign CS4 One-on-One. I could not be more proud of David Futato and the rest of my team for having created such a beautiful and educational manuscript. Here’s one of David’s typically elegant and understated documents.

Funny thing about books tho — of all the kinds of training I do, books are the one I can’t edit on-the-fly. A printed book is the ultimate form of “destructive edit.” There is no undo, no backstep. Your every training defect is on largest display.
Which is my way of saying: We have a mistake, and our first for this title may not be our last. But my policy, in this site and elsewhere, will be to admit to mistakes and remedy them. (WWOD?)
The story: Like all One-on-One books, InDesign CS4 One-on-One includes sample files. The difficulty with this title is that it’s so very text intensive that each file has to hinge on editable text set in a resident font. B/c your system and mine share few fonts in common — beyond Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, and Verdana (what I like to call the Dog Poop Vomit Four) — I have to resort to that small-and-ever-shrinking group of fonts that ship with the Creative Suite. As if to keep us aware of who is master and who is servant, Adobe erodes its font collection like an ever-dying glacier — from one CS release to the next — in recent years abandoning the Jenson family and then killingits replacement Arno.
We requested an advanced list of the fonts to be included with CS4 and Adobe thoughtfully gave us one. Bernhard Modern Standard was prominently featured on the Go Forward list. Apparently, it got nixed late in the game. Not sure why, but it happens. I’m used to the regular and unwarranted font omissions. I know it’s just business. It keeps happening, so by now I must know that. But I find it very irritating.
The solution: I have two documents for your downloading pleasure. One is Grand Opening.indd and the other is Untitled Mabry.indd. Right-click either link and choose Save or Download, depending on your browser. Or right-click here to download a zip file that contains both documents.
NOTE! Both files require InDesign CS4. They will not work with earlier versions.
Thank you to David for addressing both files in less than 24 hours. And thank you for your continued support. :-)
Bernhard-free InDesign docs
Big thank you to Deke and David for quickly and elegantly addressing the missing font issue. You guys are the best!
One little tip for others who might try the new Untitled Mabry file - I had to go to the CS4 goodies disk to load the Nueva fonts - they weren’t automatically loaded with the software installation.
This font stuff makes me want to stick a fork in my neck.
Yes, Nueva and possibly Lithos as well require manual installs from the Goodies folder on the Contents disk.
LP, if you find any more manual installs, please let me know . . .
Font Folio
Did anyone use the Font Folio from Adobe? Can these be found there?
Font Folio would undoubtedly
Cover many of the font problems. If not all.
But it’s pricey. Do you know if it comes it different prices? Last I checked, it cost a pretty penny.
Still, I can’t expect a reader to research or purchase a solution to a problem that my team ultimately created. Hence this link for our solution.
Manual font installs
Yes there were a few. I opened the fonts folder from the CS4 goodies disk and compared it side by side with Mac’s font book and found a few that needed manual installation. But now having done that, I don’t remember which ones they were. Don’t go reaching for that fork - it was only a couple fonts of lesser esthetic merit, e.g., Courier Standard.
The fonts, the fonts
I went through and confirmed the list shown in Figure 5 in the Preface (with the obvious exception of Bernhard Modern) is correct. All fonts marked with an asterisk (which include many of the weights of Nueva Standard) are only available through a manual install from the DVD. However, the only ones that are required for the lesson files are as described in Step 11 on page xx of the preface: the two styles of Chaparral Pro, the two styles of Myriad Pro, and four weights of Nueva Std (substituting for the missing Bernhard Modern)—Light, Light Italic, Bold, and Bold Italic.
Deke, can you pass the fork when you’re done?
I forget, is the fork in my neck or my eye?
Thanks for looking into this, David!
One question for my own edification, does Lithos Pro install automatically, or do you have to do the manual install thing?
(And why in God’s holidaytime name wouldn’t ALL the fonts install automatically?)
Stab. Stab stab. Stab stab stab stab stab stab stab. Stab stab.
what da font
A day never goes by when I don’t get the missing font warning messages when using AI.
Lithos Pro was auto installed ...
... when I installed my CS4 Design Standard package. Did not have to load it from the goodies disk. But I wonder ... why do you ask ... is there some imminent need for Lithos Pro that I’m yet to encounter in the book (I’m still in chapter 3, having never used ID before).
Errata for InDesign CS4: One-on-One?
This information is in regards to “Adobe InDesign CS4: One-on-One,” ISBN 978-0-596-52191-2.
My purpose for this post is twofold. First, I would like to document a few errors for the benefit of fellow readers, as well as for the improvement of future editions of this book. Secondly, I would like to know if there is a maintained errata page for this edition of the book—and suggest one be created if there is not already one.
Reading the InDesign CS4 One-on-One book, I have encountered a few errors. Some errors are minor, such as the one on page 30, second-to-last sentence that says, “Or click the folder icon with the tiny magnifying glass….”. Figure 1-39 corresponds to InDesign CS4 and is correct, however, there is no tiny magnifying glass as the text states. Again, this error is minor and does not impede the learning process.
One error is particularly surprising, like the fact that pages 45-68 are off-kilter—each page was physically printed at a slant. The left side of the spread on the aforementioned pages is rotated counter-clockwise, enough to where the lower-left corner of the magenta box surrounding the page number touches the bottom of the page. The right side of the spread is rotated clockwise by the same amount. Fortunately, none of the information is lost and everything is completely visible on the page. Despite my expectation of a more perfect printing of a book of this caliber, this error is purely aesthetic, and I suspect it only affects my copy (and possibly a few of its cousins).
Other errors are more problematic. Page 136 directs the reader to open “Quiz introduction.indd”. The file does exist, but at least on my system, the file contains no visible type—there is no text to try out drop caps. The file opened error-free and contained no dialog boxes prompting me to substitute fonts. I suppose I could draw my own text box and fill it with placeholder text. Great idea—except for the fact that drawing a text box using the type tool did not work as it seemed to in other files provided on the CD. The point here is that I could not follow along with the lesson—learning was impeded. And now I am spending even more time composing this post—hopefully not in vain.
I realize there is difficulty in publishing a book 100% error-free. Just as computer programs always seem to have bugs (evident by the seemingly daily updates my computer automatically downloads), books—especially the dynamic genre of computer texts—have errors, too. This is to be expected, and I propose under certain conditions, it is even acceptable. If only my book could receive automatic updates….which brings me to the subject of errata.
Is there a maintained errata webpage for this book? I checked the publisher’s website, and found this:
At the time of this post, there were only two posts. In the first post (concerning the “InDesign Shortcut Sets” folder location), the reader did not read far enough to know that s/he may need to create the folder. In the second post, there is a blob about the missing Bernhard font—this problem is resolved here:
Just as updates are necessary for software, errata is necessary for books—especially technical literature. The established errata page at O’Reilly’s website looks great, but it also looks unsupported. There is no official feedback as to whether the user-submitted errors are valid, and there are no confirmed errata. Even for the previous edition of the book (Adobe InDesign CS3: One-on-One), which has been out longer and—one might assume would have validated errata confirmed by the author or publisher—does not have any confirmed errata.
If I could offer one suggestion, or even more influentially “decide Deke’s fate,” I would suggest adding a dedicated errata section for current and future books published by this author. The author’s website looks great, and certainly could handle the additional content. An errata section might fit under “dekePRESS” where some of the books are listed. Or, one might argue that using the publisher’s already established errata system is the better way. It would certainly be nice if there was a central repository where a reader could quickly download corrupt/missing files, and view corrections. It is important that errata be timely, supported by the author, accurate, and complete—this concept could be summarized by the keyword “maintained.”
It may seem that I’m being over-critical of a book that reads easy, is very well-written, has great video tutorials, and is just a blast to follow along with the provided exercises. Feedback, though, is my only mechanism to give back and (hopefully) enable the author/publisher to produce even better products in the future. If I were a publisher, I would certainly want customers to know that when they buy a book, it contains accurate information and functional content, and in the rare instances where mistakes occur (they do happen), help is available online via a maintained errata website.
Keep on with the great series, and I look forward to reading more One-on-One books .
mattytraxx, O’Reilly has great system for errata
Thanks for your great feedback, mattytraxx. Although we’ve addressed some errata issues here, we’re currently relying on the O’Reilly page to be the official keeper of such. This has a few notable benefits:
1) The list of errata has one official place, kept by the publisher as is traditional.
2) The O’Reilly system works really well, it sends and automatic email message to the author when new items are posted.
3) The production team at O’Reilly reviews this official list at the time of each reprinting, confirms with the author if necessary, and makes those changes to the source files for the next print run.
4) O’Reilly has a team dedicated to this, whereas this site currently depends primarily on me and Deke (and we’re working on David). At the moment, brilliant and charming as we are, we’re notorious for running out of bandwidth, and as the editor of the books, I’d be nervous about putting us completely in charge of errata corrections.
I’m glad you brought this up though, because I was about to say “Well the frontmatter directs readers to go to O’Reilly.” But it doesn’t in this case, because Deke produces his own and he’s not using the boilerplate O’Reilly section. This is something we should definitely include in the future, as well as the keeping of our own list for people who come here first. I’m picking up Deke at the airport today for Macworld, and he’ll be captive in my car for an hour or so during which we’ll brainstorm.
In the meantime, I’d be grateful if you posted your notes to the O’Reilly site. And thanks for the great advice and encouragement!
O’Reilly’s errata system
Hi mattytraxx,
I’m just back from MacWorld, and have been going through the O’Reilly errata. It is indeed author-maintained, and Deke and I get through things posted there as quickly as possible. The O’Reilly page is definitely the “official” errata homepage, though you may find certain fixes here first (such as is the case with the Bernhard Modern files), as we can get them posted here more rapidly.
I’ve confirmed the Bernhard errata (which should be appearing on the O’Reilly site momentarily), and as for the off-kilter nature of pages 45-68 you’ve experienced, that sounds like a manufacturing error—something that O’Reilly’s customer service would be able to handle.
Finally, as to your issue with the Quiz introduction.indd file, I’ve been unable to reproduce the problem, either from the original authoring file or from my DVD copy. It may be something as simple as the file was corrupted when copying from DVD to your hard drive, but if the problem persists, I’d be happy to send you a fresh file.
Thanks for all the great feedback, and let me know about the quiz file!
Font (un)clarification: even Adobe’s confused
Hi all,
Just doing a little more research into the bundled fonts issue (for another Deke-related project), and came across this information from Adobe’s web site. It lists all of the fonts that come installed with the software, as those that come on the disc but are not installed by default. Looks very helpful, no?
And it is, with one notable caveat. Adobe’s own web documentation (as of this posting) still lists Bernhard Modern Std as being included on the disc for InDesign CS4, which we now know, unfortunately, is not the case. As far as I know, though, the list is otherwise accurate—and it’s better than just trying to guess as to what’s installed with the various versions.
Goodies folder for CS4 Fonts
I see all this mention of uninstalled fonts being in the GOODIES folder of the installation DVD. That may be the case for some of the Creative Suites, but I cannot find a GOODIES folder anywhere on my MASTER COLLECTION DVDs. Can anyone tell me how to install additional fonts from the Master Collection Suite?
The esteemed Master Collection
Although exceedingly expensive, chooses to slight the consumer on all “Goodies.” All apps, but no fonts.
Tell me, staabbr, are you using CS3 or CS4?
I want to get to the bottom of this particular fonts problem. Please be patient.
(The sample files work without fonts. But you have to run substitutions, which is a pain in the neck.)
The Esteemed Master Collection
I am running CS4…
I have tried kicking off the installer again, and I see a checkbox for “Adobe AllFonts”; but I cannot select it (grayed out). Should I assume that all fonts have already been installed?
I also found an “Adobe AllFonts” CAB file in the Install DVD - I was going to research how to expand a CAB file next.
I got the book and I think
I got the book and I think it is going to be great. However, you mention that some of the fonts must be loaded via the goodies disk. I don’t not have a goodies disk :(. I downloaded the update from CS3 to CS4 Suite. How do I get the missing fonts?
Great ebook
I got the ebook from a friend of mine. it was a really nicely illustrated ebook. I had a few confusions about indseign. It’s now clear to me.
Fonts again
Here I am trying to install the fonts from my goody folder.Besides the missing Bernhard Modern, which I now understand, I am unable to copy the Mydraid Pro or the Chaparral Pro fonts because they are damaged. What can I do?