I know, for the Mac Faithful, the loss of a 2009 Keynote from Steve Jobs (and the swan-song of Apple’s participation in Macworld altogether) is devastating. But for the dekeHeads, things are still looking promising. Here’s a list of where and when to find Deke during Macworld week. (Thanks, Thomas, for the prompt.)

Sunday, January 4, 7: pm—Book Passage, Corte Madera
Deke will be appearing with three other O’Reilly authors in a panel discussion about digital photo stuff. One of the last great independent bookstores, so if you’re in the North Bay, come check it out.
Thursday, January 8, 1:pm—Macworld Session (You’ll need the right pass)
Join Deke for an entertaining, no-holds-barred, triple O (objective outsider’s opinion) on the new capabilities of Photoshop CS4. From the Adjustments palette to the tabbed-window interface, from content-aware scaling to the many splendors of OpenGL, this is your chance to learn everything you need to know about Photoshop CS4 - and decide whether you want to have anything to do with it.
Thursday, January 8, 2:3 pm—Expo Floor, O’Reilly Booth # 221
Photoshop Channels and Masks, ‘nuff said. And the book will be making it’s debut there.
Thursday, January 8, 7:3 pm—Apple Store, 1 Stockton Street, San Francisco
A reprise of the O’Reilly authors “Ask the Experts” panel.
Friday, January 9, 2:3 pm—Expo Floor, O’Reilly Booth # 221
Photoshop Blend Modes
In other news, Apple apparently cancelled Christmas as well.
Being there’s no steve….
It appears I’ll have nothing better to do all week at Macworld other than heckling my dear friend Deke. Now that I have his entire itinerary, the world will be mine! HA HA HA (Deke does the laugh oh-so-much better)...
Hope to see you all at Macworld!
Mordy Golding
Speaking of Deke Heads….
When might we see Deke Bobble Head Dolls????
Too Bad
The free passes from O’Reilly were all used up. Wish I could get there to shake the hand of the man and Colleen.
We’ll if you need a quick bite of pizza there is Blondies Pizza on Powell and Ellis, around the corner from the Stockton Apple store. Rude service but good eats!
I’d like 4 of them
all wearing different outfits.
Sweet Transvestite Deke, Fashionista Deke, Hippy Deke, and Circus Deke.
Merchandise, baby. If the Spice Girls can do it, so can Deke ‘Rock Star’ McClelland.
well if you’re in SF, the Apple Store event is free
...and open to the world, not just Macworld pass holders.
One Source of a Free MacWorld Pass for Androsine
Happy holidays Androsine!
Get a Free Macworld 2009 Ticket. equinux has 100 free Macworld guest passes to give away for the upcoming Macworld 2009! Be one of the lucky ones to receive a free guest pass.
The passes, worth $25 each, will be given away on a first come, first served basis. To make sure that everyone has an equal chance to get a free guest pass, we’re only starting the promo on December 22, 2008 10:00am EST when everyone will have received our newsletter.
Register next Monday for a free ticket at:
Also, if you are in the Bay Area, may I suggest you run up to Corte Madera, about 20 minutes north of San Francisco up Highway 101 in Marin (and much nicer than SFO IMO) to catch Deke at the Bookstore. It’s a great mall and you won’t regret the trip.
an ex-long-time citizen of the People’s Republic of Berkeley
and free MacWorld Expo goer,
Thomas Benner
The Art Institute of Austin