Drawing a “Which Way is Up?” Pattern in Illustrator

My dear deketopians. Sorry for the delay. Apparently a one-hour time zone change this week is enough to leave me confused over what day it is. So let me just quickly mention that this week’s free Deke’s Techniques episode is aptly named “Which Way Is Up? Very similar to “What Day Is It, Colleen?”

While I get reoriented, check out this video and see how Deke draws a tile-on-the-wall-in -London inspired pattern by carefully lining up mathematically drawn squares.  If you’re a member of lynda.com, you can see the exclusive movie this week in which Deke recolors this pattern dynamically (meaning you can change your mind later. You know, once you know what day it is and your eyes stop trying to figure out which direction the pattern is going.)

If you’re not a member, don’t forget you can get a free 10-day trial by heading to lynda.com/deke in order to check out all the eye-bending goodness.

Next entry:Achieving Realistic Pointillism in Photoshop

Previous entry:Drawing an Orthogonal Box Tower in Illustrator

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