Enhancing and Masking Your Marvel Disintegration Effect

In this week’s free Deke’s Techniques movie, Deke resumes the horrifying disintegration of our unsuspecting superhero a la Avengers: Infinity War.

If you recall, last week’s exclusive movie left our model in complete obliteration:

Hero's face completely shattered in Photohsop

But, what cinematic good is a fine obliteration if you don’t see the horror donning across the victim’s face? So, this week, Deke applies a mask so that the eyes and mouth can continue to convey our hero’s surprised torment at the realization of his ashen demise.

Masking away part of the disintegraion effect

If you’re a member of Lynda.com or LinkedIn Learning, then Deke’s got a final exclusive movie in which he turns the ashes a true ashy color and blurs the background to enhance the final chaos.

The final Marvel effect

Deke’s Techniques, reducing your imagination to ash (temporarily, we’ll be back next week!)

Next entry:Jogging Your Creative Memory with the Note tool

Previous entry:The Marvel Disintegration Effect in Photoshop
