When you tune in today, regular lounge dwellers, you might feel a little disoriented at first. Which may quickly be replaced by pangs of hunger. Because people can’t live off of Photoshop and martinis alone, even when you’re using the gourmet olives. So we asked our culinary mastermind, Chef Rebecca, to step out of the state-of-the-art dekeLounge kitchen and sit down with us for a cosmo and some conversation about cooking. Like everyone in dekeLand, she’s one of those compassionate souls who likes to share her technical expertise to make other people’s lives more colorful, beautiful, and delicious. So you see, there are similarities between the world of computer graphics and culinary artistry. And along the way, Deke may learn how to cook something for his children besides scrambled eggs.

Cooking is art. Cooking is technical. And here’s the carefully crafted menu de bullets for today’s show.
- Much like using Photoshop or InDesign or Illustrator, preparing great food requires the right tools and the right understanding of how to use them.
- Rebecca answers the question she gets waylaid with at cocktail parties with on a regular basis: “Why does my food always stick to the pan?” Hear her tips on how to avoid it.
- Learn all about eggs and protein coagulation…and hats.
- Hear Rebecca’s advice on how to wield a knife. Like your standard Photoshop commands, practice makes it second nature.
- Get insight from our chef on how to pick good stuff in the supermarket. It’s not just visual people. (It’s partly visual, don’t get me wrong.)
- Listen as we ponder the age-old question: Who wants to live a life without butter? Even if it’s a few years longer…there’s no butter, people!
- We consider whether bacon is passé? It’s still delicious, we know that.
- Rebecca considers the benefits, pitfalls, and infinite varieties of of salt. Especially with martinis.
- Deke once again shares his sordid past as a Mr. Steak prep cook.
All this and more in a delicious episode. Pull up a fork. Here’s the regular-quality audio file. You can stream, or for best results, right-click and choose Download or Save. Here’s the high-res version; you’ll want to download rather than stream. And don’t forget our usual plea to subscribe via iTunes.
Thanks, Chef Rebecca, for sharing your culinary craft and captivating conversation. Cheers!
A rare miss - but not due to the guest
Sorry guys but for me this was a rare miss.
I hate to be critical but I felt that, interesting as Rebecca was, the tenuous link to Computer Graphics was just too much of a stretch for me; if I want food related podcasts there are thousands to choose from.
I understand that diversification can be a good thing and that even the rich and varied world of Computer Graphics can seem all-talked-out some times. However, this seemed to me to be too much of a departure.
If you really need new ideas I’m sure we, your adoring public, can oblige.
Thanks for your feedback, RapidBill
I appreciate your candid and eloquently crafted comments, RapidBill. As you know, Martini Hour is a mildly evolving show, and we enjoyed experimenting by having Rebecca on the show. By all means, however, please let us know if there are subjects you’d like us to bring into the lounge that feel more in tune with what you’d like to hear.
I appreciate your candid and eloquently crafted comments, RapidBill.