This is the obligatory blog post to let you know Deke has a new course available at Photoshop CC One-on-One Fundamentals, which basically updates Deke’s flagship course for the Creative Cloud version of Photoshop. This is the foundational course in the One-on-One series that helps you get your bearings, learning such things as navigation, managing image size, using layers, straightening and cropping, and more. And this course is scheduled to be updated for any relevant updates that happen to arise for Photoshop CC. You can click the image below to check out the table of contents:

But, we’re well aware that not everyone is keen on hopping on the Creative Cloud. (I wracked my brain for a bandwagon + cloud metaphor there, but got nothing.) And so, I want to make sure that anyone who wants a good foundational education in Photoshop knows where to go, regardless of which version they’re using.
Turns out, Deke has been doing some form of this course all the way back to Photoshop CS3. To that end, I’ve made a playlist at from which you can choose the version of Fundamentals that you need for your particular version of Photoshop. Because everyone deserves a solid foundation. Click here to check it out, then choose the version you need:

If one of these courses looks right for you, but you’re not a member of, you can get a free week’s trial to check it out at Fundamentals, now in every Photoshop flavor.
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